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The Sunday Review: Gain control over your “Sunday Scaries”

Now more than ever, we are experiencing the “Sunday Scaries” as our weekends come to an end and the start of a new week looms closer. We are often met with dread for Monday and jumping back into a routine that can feel both monotonous and overwhelming. 

So, where do we go from here? 

What are the small changes we can make to improve our mind and body and set ourselves up for a more positive start to the week?

Here is where your journey can begin…

Start by creating your “Sunday Review.” Think of this as your own personal newspaper that comes out every Sunday and features highlights of your week. There can be stories of success and stories of challenges – stories that incorporate every aspect of your life. 

Now don’t worry, I am not asking you to actually create a physical newspaper. Instead, take out a journal or a notebook, note the dates of that week and begin creating three sections. I recommend starting with the following:

👏 Achievements: What are some things you accomplished this week? Remember to celebrate yourself!

⛰️Challenges: What were some areas that presented challenges? What are some steps you can take to overcome them?

🌞Changes: Did you make any changes to your routine? What are some changes you can bring in as you start a new week?

As you write down what you accomplished and feel proud of from the week, take a moment to relish in that feeling and the energy that it brings. 

Now, think about what presented a challenge for you. Rather than look at it in a negative light, use those challenges to create a plan for the coming week and instead of dreading the week ahead, feel the power that you have over it. Know that you are in the driver seat and can take control of the changes that you need to make. 

I highly recommend making your “Sunday Review” a weekly habit. Use the time as a reflection period as well as a planning session. Carve out the time for even 30 minutes at any point in your Sunday. Of course, the Sunday Scaries may still present themselves from time to time, and that’s okay. Don’t be hard on yourself. 

But know, the time is NOW for you to take control. Take those “scaries” and turn them into something magical.✨

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